

Welcome to tallintokyo.com!

Have a nice stay!

An Eventfull Start

An Eventfull Start

We have now spent a few days in Tokyo and hardly had any time at all. Between being jet lagged, getting the Suica Card, visiting a few sites and finding a bite to eat there was hardly any time to blog. For me it was quite a delight being back (I already had been to Japan twice, and enjoyed it very much) and everything felt quite familiar. So I was even more delighted to see Katharinas joy and wonder taking in all the new experiences. Tokyo really is a city buzzing with life and new adventures lurking behind every corner. Especially coming from Austria, living in the second biggest city with a population of less then 300 000. Of course we did our best to spend the first days exploring parts of the city, but unexperienced bloggers as we are, we hardly documented those adventures for you out there.

We also got a warm welcome from my boss. We went out eating with him and enjoyed a Belgien beer festival in Roppongi. The next day we met a friend of ours from Austria, who was on holiday in Japan. On Tuesday we finally managed to go to my favourite Izakaya and met some friends I made, the last time I was here. In between all that, I am settling in with my new job and Katharina fights through the bureaucratic jungle that comes with studying abroad. Unfortunately the weather was not to kind with us, and it rained the majority of the week. Apparently this will continue for a while...

I hope we will be able to present more specific adventures in a better documented way in the future. But until then, I just through some pictures on here to go with this blog entry.





A New Home

A New Home