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Hedgehog Café

Hedgehog Café

Last week Peter and I visited HARRY. HARRY is a, or probably THE, Hedgehog Café. What you do not get there is coffee, neither anything else to drink or eat, but what you get is a hedgehog! On your arrival at HARRY (you have to reserve to get an appointment) you will be directed to a table. Moving through the small room of the Café you can already see the hedgehogs everywhere in their vitreous cages. 

And than you have to choose. You can have a closer look at the hedgehogs first and decide which one of them you want to "entertain". The chosen one will be given to you in a box and you can have him for an hour. During the hour you can still swap your hedgehog, but Peter and I were very happy with the little fellow we chose.

Even though he seemed a little scared at the beginning he cheered up as soon as Peter had fed him the first "hedgehog-snack" we had bought. Afterwards we were able to pet him, lift him up, feed him more maggots and take a lot of pictures.

It would have been very hard for me to give this cute little hedgehog back to his rightful owners after only one hour, but he made it easier for me and decided to go to sleep when our time was nearly over.

I had a great time at the Hedgehog Café HARRY and I would certainly recommend it to anyone who loves animals and happens to be in Tokyo. 

See you,

Asakusa and Kanzashis

Asakusa and Kanzashis

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